Thursday, December 27, 2012

Day 92

Just some lazy Toby lovin today :)

Day 91

Went for an awesome hike Christmas morning.  It was a little wet but everything was so GREEN!  And all the salamanders and banana slugs were out... my favorite :)

Day 90

Christmas Eve!  It was a little awkward pulling my phone out to take this picture at the midnight service... but better than falling asleep I suppose.

Day 89

The Mack's came over today for our usual wild Christmas festivities, and it was a blast!  The dogs had their cute little Christmas outfits on, and we built the annual gingerbread house.  Well some of us built it.  Others mostly ate all the decorations.

Day 88

This is the reason why I love California... DELICIOUS citrus in December :)  Thanks Bryan's grandpa!!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Day 87

I have the greatest coworkers!!  Here's to 11 days of vacation :)

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Day 86

Sales people are the reason obesity exists.  This are my weakness.  Among hundreds of other things :)

Day 85

Today I made candles!  I've had a bag of wax from amazon sitting in my room for the past week, so I finally made it to Michael's to buy wicks.  Emily and I also saw the Hobbit and it was pretty good.  I think I had more fun with the candles...

Day 84

This may look like just a normal yard filled with clovers to you, but two weeks ago this was a patch of dusty dirt.  The rain does magical things!!!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Day 83

I finally gave Bryan his Christmas gift!!  Guess what it was?  Tickets to a symphony... no just kidding but I gave him those first and he was so confused.  LAKERS TICKETS!  Yippeeeee :)

Day 82

Breakfast - huevos rancheros, specifically - for dinner!  I wasn't blogging then, but after watching Julie and Julia I got a weird obsession with learning how to cook eggs perfectly all different ways.  It was fun.  This one is obviously fried!

Day 81

Today Bryan and I decided to go to La Super-Rica for lunch (delicious taqueria on Milpas St, made famous by Julia Child.  Also recently visited by Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield).  We were cut off by a REALLY pathetic Christmas street parade.  We were worried that it would be really crowded, but it really wasn't, probably because the parade really sucked.  The coolest thing were these low rider cars with hydraulics... lol.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Day 80

Went to a lovely and VERY classy (for IV especially) Christmas party at Jenny's house tonight.  The apple cider and baked brie were delicious!!  Also the Christmas attire was great.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Day 79

Dreaming of the Sierras.  And of new frames.

Day 78

Now that's a sky!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Day 77

Today's post just HAS to honor my cousin Kelly's new baby Norah.  She is literally the cutest baby I have ever seen.  Ever.  Do I feel creepy stalking all of her photos from hundreds of miles away?  Yes.  Don't care.  She's adorable.

Day 76

I know this photo isn't anything special... but today we finally gave Sam away to a better home where people will actually want to take care of him.  Ciao snakey!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Day 75

Beautiful hike up Tunnel Trail today... I just about died.  Sitting at a desk all day every day is killing me!  Maybe I'll start doing squats while answering the phones.

Day 74

I got a bedside table!! Anyone sick of seeing pictures of my tiny room yet?

Friday, December 7, 2012

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Day 72

I know its a weird blog post today... but I always get excited about actually DOING things that I see on Pinterest!  It's too easy to just pin away and never execute.  Anyway, I made herb cubes.  Genius!! Just pour olive oil and chopped herbs into an ice tray.  They stay fresh for a long time and you just pop a cube in the pan when you're ready to cook... yum.  I call this one "Saving Thyme."  Bohoho

Day 71

Two trees in one day!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Day 70

So this is what happens when I have a thrift store coupon and need to spend a couple more dollars.... CATS!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Day 69

All the toys for our work Santa party arrived today... my desk is basically the north pole!  Time to wrap :)

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Day 68

Made the first thing from my Smitten Kitchen cookbook today... DUTCH BABY!! Yum.  It was amazing.  This one (the first one) looked slightly deformed... the second one was perfect but I ate it immediately.

Day 67

I have new curtains in my room, and a wreath, and a crazy male!

Day 66

Okay.  So the truth is.  I took zero pictures today.  I'm pretty embarrassed about it... but to be fair I was busy going from work to a potluck and I just didn't think to take a picture of the delicious goat cheese log appetizer that I contributed!  Besides, these caramelized onions from Tuesday deserved some representation.