Tuesday, March 29, 2011

March 28

Home sweet home :)

March 27

Happy birthday Meeshy! After a long drive back to Santa Barbara, we went out to dinner with the drunk and happy 21 year old Michelle... it was awesome.

March 26

Today I went hiking with my wonderful mother at Rancho and it was so beautiful as always! The misty rain felt so good at the top :)

March 25

On the way home from Tahoe we drove past some really flooded flood lands, it was beautiful!

March 24

One of my favorite sights to see!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

March 23

Okay so this picture is from yesterday, but I had to give this adorable mini trashcan some representation. Lazy day around the house :)

March 22

Went ALL over the city today, it was awesome!! We kept missing the rain at all the right times and had a day full of stair climbing, hipsters, Irish pizza, "adult fortunes," and incredibly insightful bums. Loved it.

March 21

If I ever get married, this is where I would want it to be!

March 20

Long rainy drive home today, and I got to take this awesome picture of Julia totally passed out!

March 19

I took a couple of pictures today but none of them really turned out how I wanted them to... I'll be honest, I spent most of the day in bed watching Disney movies :) So I think this is more appropriate for the picture of the day...

March 18

This picture sucks but the moon was so awesome, I felt like I was going to be attacked by a werewolf at any moment!

Friday, March 18, 2011

March 17

Leigh's 20th birthday was today! So after Julia and I got back from the Getty we went out to dinner at Cafe Buenos Aires - AMAZING. The patio was also the prettiest thing ever. Thanks for being born :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

March 16

Solvang, for those of you who don't know about it, is this adorable little Danish town over the hill from Santa Barbara. We went there for breakfast today, and the drive was absolutely beautiful! This photo is courtesy of miss Keni Shea, and these trees are one of my favorite things ever. I want one in my yard when I grow up so I can put a swing in it :)

March 15

Today Keni and I took Julia on a hike to Inspiration Point... it was so inspirational. Unfortunately Julia went barefoot so we were basically torturing her the whole time and now she can barely walk hahahahah :/ But afterward we went to a delicious lunch and continued the American tradition of teaching Julia how to pig out!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March 14

The sunset was amazing today as always, but I love how it's reflecting off the windows of my dream house :)

March 13

I'll admit that sometimes freshmen are smarter than me. Happy finals week!

March 12

Today was SO FUN! And obviously, the perfect ending to the day was a ridiculously epic game of Jenga...

March 11

If the construction goes on any longer I think I'm going to douse one of these in gasoline and throw a match on it. Just kidding O:)

March 10


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

March 9

Today was a wonderful day! I went to class, then went over and laid in the hot sun at the old house and went for a long walk on the beach with Miss Xiao. Then I went to the library with Jaim and Keni, and proceeded to go completely insane after 5 hours in a tiny study room... in case I didn't already leave my mark by pissing off all the people on the 6th floor with our screaming and singing while supposedly writing papers, I also went to work on the chalk board!

March 8

Today in my boss's apartment, I found a tiny loaf of bread and a tiny bottle of tobasco. Tiny stuff is THE BEST!!

March 7

Today I went to a photography art show with my friend Lucas... it was really cool to see pictures that were taken by people who actually know what they're doing! But even the simple photos were awesome in the exhibits where people had cool ideas like this one.

March 6

Today was all cloudy and beautiful so I thought the sunset would be awesome, but then the actual rainy clouds moved in too low to see anything... dangit! But the dark sky was still wonderful :)

March 5

There was a blimp in the Thunderdome!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

March 4

Today was beautiful out so we went to the pool and goofed around for a couple hours :) I love this one of Adam because it looks like he's levitating! Which, obviously, is always a good thing.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

March 3

Found this little jewel while I was looking through photobooth yesterday :)

March 2

I've been feeling pretty pissed about my hair lately... I know it's a stupid thing to get annoyed about but it is taking FOREVER to grow back!! And I actually loved it short, I'm just really over the Justin Bieber look, yaknow? From the beginning I was thinking of doing a thing where I took a picture every week or something to track it, but that obviously failed. I did, however, take a couple on photobooth a while ago, so here's a little comparison for your entertainment.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March 1

Okay so I obviously didn't take this one. HOWEVER, it is Paul Crubaugh's birthday today, and this is easily one of my favorite pictures of all time - you never know what an 80's theme can do to people. Paul you're my best friend and I'm so glad you were born!!