A few weeks ago when I first moved in, we decided to build a new coffee table for our living room... we even sanded it and stained it and the whole shebang! I'm pretty impressed by our handy work, and I think it looks very "college chic."
Upon my return to Santa Barbara, Bryan gave me this awesome book with all the hikes in the surrounding areas. Since our initial plan to hike half dome was foiled by the impossible Yosemite permit system, we decided to do one of the more epic-sounding hikes in the book. The Matilija Creek Trail in Ojai took us pretty much all day and was a nice easy hike, and we even saw two rattlesnakes and possibly the scariest spider ever. Also there were these awesome waterfalls!
The next day, Saturday, after a little overnight camping at Wheeler Gorge, Leigh planned a boat ride of epic proportions for about 25 of our friends... we took the bus from the edge of Isla Vista to the bus depot downtown, and essentially ran from there to the harbor (not a short walk!). The sailboat was awesome, and we saw a ton of dolphins along the coast... mmmm :)
This past weekend I went with Bryan down to his house in Redlands, and we went on a hike in the forest falls area, which pleasantly surprised me as a gem on the outskirts of LA! We also raided his mom's cupcake recipe book, so be expecting some photos that might make you salivate in the next week or so...
So that's what I've been up to here, more updates to come when we do something other than sit and read on the hammock :)
I love your table - and I love that you made it! Very nice......... xo - lk