Sunday, August 17, 2014

A bicycle built for 2!

If you know Bryan and me, you probably know that Bryan is a VERY avid bicycle enthusiast!  He loves bikes, riding bikes, fixing bikes, looking at bikes, talking about bikes - you get the picture :)  We both ride our bikes to work, but we only go on bike rides together every once in a while.  Mostly because he is super fast and extreme and I'm... well, not!  So we've been dreaming of getting a tandem bike for a while now, so that we could bike together and easily hang out and stay at the same pace.

The thing that Bryan likes the second most in the universe after bikes is browsing Craigslist... so we were bound to find a tandem at some point!  Last week we found the bike we wanted and headed over to the guy's house to check it out.  He was a really nice old man who had toured on the bike a lot in the past with his wife.  We entertained him for about 20 minutes trying to ride the thing, and decided to go for it!  It was only $500 which is pretty awesome for such a nice tandem.  After bribing our friend with a mini van to drive the bike up to our house in Goleta, we were ready to go for a ride!

Our first ride on the tandem was pretty awesome... it was a gorgeous day and we even survived the extreme downhill from our house to the main road, with only a couple minutes of screaming from yours truly, lol!  The actual ride was surprisingly easy, and we had some really good speed going.  We passed a bunch of other riders on the road that I'm sure were super jealous :)  We'll definitely be doing some longer trips on this thing... can't wait!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

My First "Quilt"

I've been feeling guilty about neglecting my awesome new-ish sewing machine.  When I first got it, I went crazy sewing a cover for it, then a little purse for the kid of one of my coworkers.  Since then, the only time I touched it was during our move, and it's been gathering dust ever since (not really because of the awesome cover I made, but you know what I mean, haha!).

Anyway, when we were in Alaska we did an inordinate amount of "shopping" - wandering around in all the touristy little shops filled with crap no one needs.  Including really old walrus penises, a bargain at $50 a piece!  L. O. L.  There were a couple cool stores though, the kind that real Alaskans probably go to, I think?  Haha.  We found one of them on our way to use the bathroom on the third floor of a mini mall - a sweet little fabric store!  The perfect way to force myself back into sewing :)  So I found one of those star of David fabric bundles, with a cool humpback whale print on it.

When we got home I was trying to decide what to make with these 5 relatively small bits of fabric, and I finally landed on this page via Pinterest - a baby quilt/blanket!  So I decided to make 2 - one for Bryan's cousin's little baby Penelope, and the soon-to-be daughter of my coworker, currently nicknamed George (haha).  What to make: done.  Who to make it for: done.  On to the next challenge: find the rest of the fabric I would need.  This is harder than you might imagine, thanks to the general snootiness of Santa Barbara.  The only fabric stores we have are insanely expensive, and the closest JoAnns is an hour away in Ventura.  After a bit of exploration on Yelp, I learned about Roxanne's, the cutest little fabric store in Carpinteria, only half hour away!  This is my new favorite place for when I'm feeling crafty...

Bryan and I ventured down there, I found exactly what I needed, and I could finally start my project!  The quilting itself was a bit of an adventure, and I technically didn't even do any "real" quilting - the kind where you sew pretty little stitches all over the fabric.  I was way too scared to try that.  I learned how to really use an iron for the first time ever (lol) and had a few minor and major battles with my sewing machine... but in the end, I was pretty happy with the result!  Here's the first one... now on to the next :)

Monday, August 11, 2014

Grow Dammit

This post is an homage to my aunt Lynette in more ways than one!  First of all, she's totally sick of seeing the fig bar post every time she comes to my blog :P  Also, I stole the title from a really awesome sign she has hanging over one of her gardens, AND I took her idea of using cinder blocks as planters (not that she invented the idea, but still, inspiration!).

It was a pretty wonderful weekend... last week we were in Alaska with the fam, which was super fun but going right back to a crazy week at work made me totally exhausted!  So the weekend was the first chance I had to relax and do some projects that I've been thinking about for a while :)  Check out the herb garden, featuring cilantro, oregano, sweet basil, thai basil, italian parsley, thyme, dill and rosemary!  Nom nom.  Now let's hope they all survive... will report back!